Dying to meet you.

My sweet angel in heaven above,
flying as free as a white dove.
I call to you with this song
this is my oath to you as you come along.

I will protect you at any cost,
always finding you, when you feel lost.
I will love you unconditionally,
as you be whoever you want to be.
I will guide you in your darkest hour,
helping you discover your inner power.
I will teach you all that I know,
what you should do I will show.

My sweet angel in heaven above,
flying as free as a white dove.
I call to you with this song
this is my oath to you as you come along.

If you told me you were gay,
I would smile and say,
only live by your hearts way.
If your heart gets broken,
I will comfort you; words unspoken.
If you you say you hate me,
I will still love you unconditionally.
If running from home is what you want to do,
I will walk to the ends of the earth to find you.

My sweet angel in heaven above,
flying as free as a white dove.
I call to you with this song
this is my oath to you as you come along.

When you upset me I won’t shout,
I will speak calmly till the flame is out.
When you make the worst mistake,
I will show you how to do better the second take.
When you fall down and feel utter defeat,
I will be there to bring you back to your feet.
When you can’t see through the storm,
I will light the fire to make you warm.

My sweet angel in heaven above,
flying as free as a white dove.
I call to you with this song
this is my oath to you as you come along.

Most of all my beloved angel above,
I promise you will always feel my love.

Be with you soon.

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Wonder that is Earth.

The trickling rain turns to mist as it hits the black pavement, heated by the sun’s warm embrace. The clouds part and colors of the atmosphere merge together to make a soft angelic rainbow of beautiful promise and life.
She gazes at the wonder that is this planet she currently resides on. How magnificent the planet appears to the eye of its objective beholder. She wonders why her orders given to her were the ones they are. How could she carry them out?
The alarm beeps on her wrist transmitter. She raises her wrist in front of her face and the holographic display rises with her orders presented. She enters her transmitters code and the display changes to its command center. She looks at the large blinking red command button, with hesitation in her artificial heart she raises her right index finger to the button and sighs before saying the words “initiating annihilation” and lowers her finger to the command button.

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All, in this journey we know as life, who I have loved, have received a permanent room in my heart, but never, before you, has anyone not only got a room in my heart, but one in my soul as well. Its not only a feeling of a broken heart, or a feeling of missing you, but an intense longing for you, is tearing through my very soul. I have missed many before you, but never have I missed anyone with my soul. It is as though there is a rope tied to my soul, leading to you, one which I can stand unmoving from the pull, but never can I step back, only forward. The rope before me, is one which, if I tried hard enough, I could cut, but the strange sensation of longing I feel toward you, makes it impossible for me to want to cut the rope. Even though I know standing before you may hurt more than I can handle, I still cannot fight the pull I feel to take another step forward. Your gravitational pull is one which I can not seem to fight, not by my strength, nor desire. The question which I am unable to answer at this point, is should I take another step, stay unmoving, or force myself to cut the rope and never know what would have come for another step?


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Is this the end?

Her legs collapsed beneath her, and she fell to the wet grass. Her head was bent down, with her hair washing over her face from the heavy rain.  Her hands fell limp at her sides, as the despair fully engulfed her soul, leaving her with not a single drop of strength to go on. The tears running down her cheeks, blended in with the rain, leaving them to appear as rain as well. She knew the end was near for her, for she had let the despair grow roots in her heart, too deep for her to demolish on her own. She looked down at her right hand, which loosely held a razor blade. The rain drops fell heavy on the razor, as if they were trying to wash it out of her hand. She moved her thumb over it, and slowly slid it to her index and middle fingers. Grasping it tighter as she knew it was the only way to be free of her pain.

Just then, the rain ceased above her. She looked up, and standing in front of her, was a kind, elderly women, holding an umbrella. She knelt down before her, bracing her free hand on her knee to keep from falling too fast. She looked deep into the young womans bright green eyes as if reading her soul. Then she moved her brown eyed gaze to the razor in the young womans hand, slowly reached to it, and gently took it from her grasp. She then stood slowly again, looking down at the young woman bellow her. The young womans eyes were immovable from the elderly woman. The elderly woman put the razor between her fingers that held the umbrella, and held her free hand out to the young woman.

She looked at the hand before her. Feeling as though this woman was an angle sent to save her, she had no strength to turn down a helping hand. So she reached her hand, and grabbed the hand before her, and rose to her feet. The elderly woman was shorter than her as she looked down into her brown eyes. The elderly woman said nothing, but lifted the corners of her mouth up into a smile, and began leading the young woman to the horizon where the clouds had parted to let down the beautiful rays of sun light.

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Life not chosen.


…. She watched as the moon slowly drifted behind the mountain top. The night had again come to a close with her standing alone. She looked to the cement which lay beneath her feet, and felt as though she was one with it, unmoving, unknowing, unfeeling… This life was bestowed upon her, and though it was not one she chose, it was one she had to live….

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And so, it begins.


…. A majestic breeze gently hit the front of her face, curving around, and sliding through her hair, as the fingers of a loved one. She closed her eyes and embraced the breeze, lifting her arms up by her sides. She tilted her head back, showing her face to the gods in heaven above, letting the heat from the sun dry her tears. Life may have ended for one, but it only just began for her….

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The longing.


…. She sipped the bottle once more before setting it down on the counter top. She placed her hands on either side of the bottle, leaned over it and sighed. Her job was done, and she was ready to leave. But something held her in the house. Some longing feeling to have a home of her own. She swiftly hit the bottle with the back of her hand, and watched as it crashed on the floor. The pieces falling into the fresh blood which was split. She turned, stepped over the corps at her feet, and walked out the door…

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Below the moonlight.


… The light drizzling rain hit, the darkened, paved road she stood before. The moonlight glistened down, bouncing off the moist road, making a slight majestic feel to the horrific street where she stood. All the screams had ceased, leaving only a deafening silence all around her. Time no longer mattered in the world where only she survived…


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Sleeping under the moonlight.


…. She walked gently on the leaves and dirt beneath her feet, trying to be ever so quiet, so that she did not disturb the creatures which lay sleeping under the moon light….

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What have I done?

… Silver dust fell softly onto the cement floor in front of her. Had she really pulled that trigger? She fell to her knees as the dust fell on her head and all around her. A single tear fell from her left eye. “What have I done?” She quietly asked herself in a hushed tone, knowing all around her, were only dead bodies which could not answer her…

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